-53% Out-of-Stock Padel Rackets Pala Adidas Adipower Multiweight ctrl 3.3 2024 ADRK1CA1U0017F €131.60 €279.99 La nueva Adidas Adipower Multiweight CTR 3.3 es la innovadora pala del jugador Álex Ruiz. Se trata de un modelo altamente personalizable, gracias a su tecnología Weight & Balance System, que permite modificar el peso y balance de la pala, para priorizar potencia o control en función de las necesidades del partido.Además, cuenta con la innovadora Goma... View
-48% Hurry up, there are only a few units left. Padel Rackets Pala Adidas Adipower multiweight 3.3 2024 ADRK1AA2U0014F €208.00 €400.00 Descubre la innovadora pala Adidas Adipower Multiweight 2024. Pala fabricada en fibra de carbono 18K combinada con goma EVA High Memory, lo que permite realizar golpeos potentes con una increíble precisión.Si hay un factor por el que la Adipower Multiweight destaca es por su tecnología Weight & Balance System, la cual permite modificar el peso y... Add to cart
-39% Out-of-Stock Padel Rackets Pala Black Crown Special Power BC-SPECIAL POWER €195.20 €320.00 Pala de pádel con forma de lágrima Black Crown Special Power. Indicada para jugadores de nivel avanzado que buscan un golpeo más potente. Esta pala cuenta con la capa exterior en Fibra 15K Power, permite un golpe seco para lograr una mayor potencia de golpeo sin renunciar al control. Además, esta fibra de gran resistencia le otorga una gran durabilidad a... View
-42% Out-of-Stock Padel Rackets Pala Black Crown Special BC-SPECIAL €168.20 €290.00 Pala de pádel con forma de lágrima Black Crown Special. Indicada para jugadores de nivel avanzado que buscan un mayor control, sin dejar de lado la potencia en el golpeo. Esta pala cuenta con la capa exterior en 3K Aluminium de gran resistencia y durabilidad. View
-49% Hurry up, there are only a few units left. Padel Rackets Pala Black Crown Piton Nakano 15K BC-PITON NAKANO 15K €132.60 €260.00 Pala de pádel redonda Piton Nakano 15K. Indicada para jugadores de un nivel avanzado o profesional que buscan una pala polivalente, en formato oversize. Las capa superior de las caras está confeccionada en Carbono 15K, elemento novedoso que aporta una mayor potencia de golpeo y gran tacto. Add to cart
-40% Out-of-Stock Padel Rackets Pala Limited BC-PITON LIMITED €156.00 €260.00 Padel racket round Limited. Suitable for players looking for a game of control, prioritizing precision over power. It has a frame with a double 80% carbon tubular with 3K Carbon 3K faces. View
-39% Out-of-Stock Padel Rackets Pala Attack Plus BC-PITON ATTACK PLUS €140.30 €230.00 Round paddle racket Attack Plus. Specially designed for those players looking for a racket with a medium-high balance. Its technology gives you a plus in power, achieving greater aggressiveness in all your shots. View
-25% Out-of-Stock Padel Rackets Pala Attack 12K BC-PITON ATTACK 12K €103.13 €137.50 Padel racket with diamond shape Attack 12K+. Suitable for advanced players looking for a racket with which to achieve maximum hitting power. View
-39% Hurry up, there are only a few units left. Padel Rackets Pala Air BC-PITON AIR €140.30 €230.00 Round paddle racket Attack Plus. It has technology, anti vibration system built into the handle of the racket. This racket has a large sweet spot, which allows you to print speed to the ball without losing control of your stroke. Add to cart
-56% Out-of-Stock Padel Rackets Shovel 9.0 BC-PITON 9.0 €105.60 €240.00 Padel racket round 9.0. Suitable for professional players who develop a technical game and seek maximum control without sacrificing hitting power. The faces are made of 3K Carbon, of great touch and punch. View
-30% Out-of-Stock Padel Rackets Pala 10 BC-PITON 10 €242.13 €345.90 Padel racket round 10. Suitable for advanced or professional players looking for a racket that balances control and power, with a perfect hard touch for aggressive shots. The outside of this racket is made of two different layers, one of LOW DENSITY GLASS and another extra layer of 3K CARBON. View